Legal School of Sea Foods

Shrimp body

Shrimp Anatomy

Become an expert on the different body parts that make up a shrimp!

Shrimp Anatomy

Become an expert on the different body parts that make up a shrimp!

Group of Shrimp

Shrimp Swimming Habits

Shrimp have different methods of swimming to adapt to their environments! Read more.

Shrimp Swimming Habits

Shrimp have different methods of swimming to adapt to their environments! Read more.

Shrimp eyes

Shrimp Eyes

Examine the complex patterns of shrimp eyes that help them see in all different directions.

Shrimp Eyes

Examine the complex patterns of shrimp eyes that help them see in all different directions.

Shrimp on grill

Shrimp Taste Profile

Learn about the unique taste profile of shrimp that differentiates them from other shellfish.

Shrimp Taste Profile

Learn about the unique taste profile of shrimp that differentiates them from other shellfish.