Legal School of Sea Foods

Lobster body

Lobster Anatomy

Become an expert on how each different body part of the lobster provides a different function.

Lobster Anatomy

Become an expert on how each different body part of the lobster provides a different function.

Garlic butter with Lobster roe

Lobster Roe

All female lobsters contain roe which are unfertilized eggs located inside their shell. Find the details here!

Lobster Roe

All female lobsters contain roe which are unfertilized eggs located inside their shell. Find the details here!

Lobster claws

Lobster Claws

Did you know that lobsters have two claws that each have different uses? Read more!

Lobster Claws

Did you know that lobsters have two claws that each have different uses? Read more!

Lobster tomalley

Lobster Tomalley

Find out if you can eat the green substance called tomalley that comes out of the body of the lobster!

Lobster Tomalley

Find out if you can eat the green substance called tomalley that comes out of the body of the lobster!

Lobsters lying on their backs

Comparing Sleepy and Dead Lobsters

We'll explain how to tell if your lobster is dead or just sleepy.

Comparing Sleepy and Dead Lobsters

We'll explain how to tell if your lobster is dead or just sleepy.

Lobster swimmers

Male Versus Female Lobsters

Learn how to tell if a lobster is male or female - it's easy!

Male Versus Female Lobsters

Learn how to tell if a lobster is male or female - it's easy!