Check out this simple recipe for a classic go-to using our Center Cut Cod Loins. Choose your favorite type of beer to make it your own!

- 2 cups beer
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 large egg
- All-purpose flour
- 8 Center Cut Cod Loins
- In a large bowl combine beer, baking soda, pepper, salt and egg.
- With a whisk, slowly add flour until the batter is thick and sticks to a wooden spoon.
- Heat oil in a deep fryer or in a deep-sided pan to 350 degrees.
- Dredge fish in flour, shaking off excess and dip in batter making sure to cover all sides of fish.
- Holding battered fish, gently dip into hot oil, holding halfway in, wait 15 seconds and drop fully into oil.
- Flip fish over when brown on one side and cook for about 6-8 minutes total, depending on the thickness of the fillets.
- The fish should be all one color all the way thru or 140 degrees internal temperature.