Check out this Cajun Blackened Swordfish with Hi Vue Maple Butter Glaze recipe created by Hi Vue Farm! Located in Richford, Vermont, the farm has been family owned and operated since 1903 and is currently run by Jessica and Matt. They tap about 5500 maple trees on 425+ acres and produce Pure Organic Maple Syrup and Maple Products such as candy, cream and vinegar.
Visit them online to check out their delicious products..

- 2 tbsp butter (1 tbsp. for cooking, 1 tbsp for butter glaze)
- 1 tbsp Cajun seasoning blend
- 1 lbs. Swordfish steaks*
- 1 tbsp. Hi Vue maple sugar
- Preheat oven to 375 F.
- Note - it is recommended that you sear the fish with a cast iron skillet. You must use a pan with an oven safe handle.
- Season one side of the fish steaks with Cajun seasoning, or for extra Cajun heat, season both sides.
- Melt 1 tbsp butter in pan over medium high heat.
- Place the seasoned swordfish steaks in the hot pan with melted butter and allow the seasoning to begin to burn (the flavor of Cajun blackened comes from scorching the season blend to give it a smoky- spicy flavor).
- Turn the fish in the pan after a couple minutes and transfer the pan into the oven. Continue cooking the fish in the oven to 15- 20 minutes.
- Meanwhile mix the maple sugar with the remaining tbsp of butter (melted) and set aside for topping the fish after it is done baking.
- Remove the fish when it is firm. A meat thermometer can be used to test for doneness. 135 to 145 F is recommended temperature.
- Transfer the swordfish to plates and spoon the maple sugar butter mixture over the tops of the steaks. Continued smoothing the maple butter mixture until the maple sugar dissolves and creates a shiny glaze on the steaks.
*For extra flavor, marinate the swordfish steaks in maple-citrus marinade for 3 or 4 hours.